The Helm: UPDATED 12-09-08

20 09 2008

I just picked up a copy of The Helm from Dark Horse. It’s about a fat, video store clerking, lives-with his mother geek. After his girlfriend dumps him (and gets fired) he finds a garage sale where he finds a magic helmet. The Helm says he is the chosen one and they are bonded for life to go fight monsters and stuff. Problem is he’s fat and stupid. (And cowardly. And a lot of other bad things) And the Helm doesn’t want him so he tried to be rid of him.

Good comic. Nice art. Good jokes. Issue two is out now and I’m going to pick it up as well.

Mayhap you should as well.

(Cover from Issue 2)
The Helm 2

All right gang… Issue 4 came out a little while ago and… well… It’s the last issue. Which is sad because the comic to an unexpected and quite awesome turn. In issue two he sort of told his sort of girlfriend. The last two issues involved them telling him he is crazy. They say he got so depressed about his crappy life he is suffering from a psychotic episode. That is why this helmet is talking to him. He lost his grip on reality. So he goes to fight monsters and stuff all the while questioning his own sanity while his loved ones try to catch him and put him away. Awesome and I wish there was more.



One response

1 10 2008


Love that comic! I want it!

Have you seen anything for the Dr. Horrible comic from Dark Horse yet? Actually, have you even SEEN Dr. Horrible’s sing-a-long blog yet?

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