Comic Review? Yes Please! Cable and Deadpool 1-50

28 08 2008

Alright! 3rd time I’m typing a comic review! Woohoo! Only this time, the comics are just out so no sorting through massive piles of old comics or trying to back order some obscure title! On today’s Menu:


Now, I’m sure you all know Cable. The self-proclaimed savior from the future. Half-machine, half-telepath. Shoots guns and whatnot… Blah blah. BORING. The true star of this series is Deadpool, merc with a mouth. If you don’t know about him, he has a healing factor like wolverine, a horribly scarred face, a preference for things that go boom, and a love for Bea Arthur. He shoots things and dices them up with katana. He makes pop culture references and breaks the fourth wall every other panel. This team up is no different. Cable and Deadpool make an unlikely team, Cable a serious mutant with an agenda and Deadpool, a wisecracking nutcase. They have their fun in this monthly series. That is, until 3/4’s of the way through the series, Cable doesn’t show up anymore. And his appearances have been on and off as it was. So Deadpool was the star. Which is great. His confusion as to whether or not he is a hero or a villain is once again in the spotlight. So is his zany actions.

In this series Cable takes his place as the ruler of Rumekistan, and tries to make the world a better place. He is against the civil war and sees it as a stepping stone to a police state ruled by the government and their pet superheroes. Deadpool is bouncing back and forth between a violent merc and a hero. The series starts before the civil war and continues through it and ends after it. You get to see how it affects people not even involved with the Civil War titles. It goes through Hydra battle stations, and travelling through time. Deadpool even teams up with the Avengers to defeat alien dinosaurs.

All in all Cable & Deadpool is a great series. I know I didn’t cover it thouroughly, but that is because the series isn’t long enough to give away some parts and too short for overview. Cable and Deadpool runs 50 issues, most of with you can still find in comic shops. The editors and artists even get into the fun leaving comments and talking at the end of the issues. I strongly suggest picking up issue 50 which just came out on the 20th. It is the last Cable and Deadpool and it is the last appearance of Deadpool as a main character for a while. And at the end of the issue they have a search-and-find. Totally worth the couple bucks you have to fork over.

Overall I, Lottel, declare that Cable and Deadpool is a stand up comic!